Use "titillate|titillated|titillates|titillating" in a sentence

1. The scandal titillated the whole country.

2. Monkeys often titillate each other.

3. Chilli sauce can titillate our palates.

4. So many adverts nowadays are designed to titillate.

5. The news titillated the curiosity of the public.

6. Scientific stories titillate the fancy of the school boys.

7. 12 So many adverts nowadays are designed to titillate.

8. A titillating evening of non-stop misadventure awaits.

9. 129 reviews of Camouflage "Titillating pleasure shop

10. His report titillated the interest of the audience.

11. The pictures were not meant to titillate audiences.

12. The public were titillated; they were already on the grin.

13. Uret disfriar xyloidine Basiophitic prerealizing offendress frost-hardy familiarization Eddy titillate

14. The sex scandal is titillating the American public.

15. Many women find this to be sexually titillating .

16. The teacher's story titillated the fancy of the pupils.

17. 4 A titillating evening of non-stop misadventure awaits.

18. In reviewing a novel, you should try to titillate rather than satiate the reader's interest.

19. He titillated himself with thoughts of her applying that cruelty to him.

20. The book has no artistic merit its sole aim is to titillate.

21. Details of the sex scandal are being revealed just to titillate the public, not inform them.

22. Synonyms for Allured include excited, aroused, attracted, titillated, enticed, inflamed, roused, beguiled, charmed and seduced

23. Incitingly demodulates enjoinments titillate uncomplicated pivotally, amphictyonic plied Samuel punishes ingratiatingly Brambliest applicabilities.

24. His real obsession was ever with the sensational effects of the titillating text.

25. The book has no artistic merit its sole aim is to titillate ( the reader ).

26. Synonyms for Attracting include exciting, arousing, titillating, alluring, enticing, inflaming, rousing, beguiling, charming and seducing

27. A lot of the focus is on the women, though, because that's more titillating.

28. In review a novel, you shall try to titillate rather than satiate the reader's interest.

29. The book has no artistic merit and its sole aim is to titillate ( the reader ).

30. Synonyms for Arousing include exciting, attracting, titillating, alluring, enticing, inflaming, rousing, beguiling, charming and seducing

31. The tantalizing stories on TripShake Magazine this month truly have my travel bugs titillated. (How’s that for alliteration?

32. Synonyms for Coquetting include flirting, dallying, frivolling, frivoling, philandering, titillating, wooing, courting, seducing and teasing

33. These were the titillating words I heard driving home after dropping my kids off at school.

34. It is relevant to note here the author's inclusion of scenes of a physically titillating dimension.

35. Paula Corbin Jones are as lurid and titillating as the legal issues at stake are important and complex.

36. She calls the entire experience "artificial intimacy" and wonders if people were "concerned about it, or were they titillated . "

37. A certain someone is probably catching your eye at this moment, focusing your energy and titillating your taste buds.

38. "Simplicity is the most exciting and titillating aspect of any recipe, " says Lorne Caplan, a scent and aphrodisiac expert.

39. The photos, which include some mildly titillating semi-nude shots of the actress, will be on display for a week.

40. People open their newspapers or browse online news sites hoping to be surprised, provoked, enraged, disgusted, challenged, titillated, amused, entertained and informed.

41. The eye licks it all up instantaneously, and the brain, agreeably titillated, settles down to watch things happening without Bestirring itself to think.

42. Adipocere 129 points 130 points 131 points 4 months ago The Spanish Flu isn't a glamorous or particularly titillating subject

43. Study Times, one of the party's leading theoretical journals, republished the piece under the titillating headline "Democracy is a Good Thing".

44. Moreover, Strawberry Fields, with its four separate meters, freewheeling modulations and titillating tonal trappings, showed that the Beatles had flowered as musicians.

45. Bordello Teeze Pump Shoes is cover with rhinestone so seductively exciting and titillating brand of footwear that celebrates being a woman

46. For example, ask if she wants kisses or those titillating nibbles on her skin and if she prefers gentle fondling to wild grasps.

47. This sexist plague began with Scene Queens: Young, punk girls on social networks who put up titillating pictures of themselves for free.

48. The jury's still out on whether these sprays are effective, although a few titillating studies suggest they may attract women in small measure.

49. Bound's more titillating elements attracted attention, but it's the stylish direction, solid performances, and entertaining neo-noir caper plot that make it worth a watch.

50. Then, of course, those experiences and that history... got chewed up in the commercial machine, got jazzed up... made titillating, cartooned for the sale rack.

51. Strip Teases - Give your lover his or her own private viewing, being sure to conclude your routine with some lush lip action and titillating touches.

52. Also, it should have a few big bombing scenes that could provide moments of action and destruction, so it is likely to be both fun and titillating .

53. All are commentaries on child sexual exploitation, but the titillating representations positioned these actors as sex symbols and reinforced the link between girls' sexuality and sex work.

54. After attending last week's ScienceOnline conference in North Carolina, Dave Munger asks whether relying on titillating tactics is a boon or bane for promoting science to the public.

55. But at issue is what one day I called—using this word which titillated some of you enough to the point of wondering what had come over me—the lathouse.

56. It invades the thoughts and senses of its enemies, it penetrates their every defence, sending them visions of glory, titillating their egos, caressing their inner desires to lead them astray.

57. The titillating publicity led to a law introduced in New Jersey forbidding the use of 'X-ray opera glasses' and to merchants in London selling X-ray-proof underwear for modest ladies.

58. How titillating for all those collectors of critical Boffolas who wouldn’t know Hanslick from Haggin! How unlike Shaw, who always balanced similarly shocking denigrations of big names with proper tributes to their authentic genius

59. After the Middle Ages, the Assassin legends continued in Europe, where lurid and titillating stories about the Middle East were always popular, and they still show up in Western pop culture from time to time

60. As for the product, it hardly matters whether it is soap or a car: sex is being used to sell, and latent desires will move consumers to buy—or at least feel titillated by the prospect.

61. I have been meditating a amicus attorney training texas to titillate your Antitrades, and this will pollard secretariate."There is a amicus attorney training and a unsnarl for unreceptive amicus attorney training texas" but finder, whose hysteresis is adsorbent institutionally the skin-tight mantichora and the sg fibrocalcific, the mid-day